Tuesday 5 July 2011

Unexpected emphasis

Sometimes it's about the way you say it

Yesterday I was on a train.  I had a small backpack just big enough to hold a laptop.  I found a seat and sat down, placing the bag between my legs then pulling it back to give an imaginary person sitting opposite me plenty of leg room.

A not so imaginary person got on at the next stop and took a seat opposite me. Mid twenties, physically fit, cropped hair. Aggressive.

As he sat down he started grumbling and ranting about bags and leg room and at first I was unaware that the tirade was directed towards me.  Not sure I had heard correctly i politely inquired "Sorry?" as if to request him to repeat.

But it didn't come out like that apparently.  It must have sounded like a "SORRY?" in a 'who do you think you are talking to you little piece of scum' sort of way.

The aggressive young man started to mumble, then avoided eye contact for the whole journey by closing his eyes.

We like happy endings.

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