Friday 1 July 2011

Shortest Known Recording

Act 1761, Scene 1

Using the right to be nosy act of 1761, the wiggy wigsters have managed to obtain a script from the locked drawer of a local playwright who needs no introduction (Ed - We don’t actually know his name and felt it was better to say that than risk embarrassment), which we believe to be the shortest play in the world. For your enjoyment we present for the first time “Ding-Dong”

{Curtain opens}
[Doorbell goes Ding-Dong]
[Geoff opens door]
[Gunshot noise – Geoff falls to the floor]
{Curtain closes}

“Ding-Dong” will be showing at the Mingle in the Dingle theatre in September. For tickets please search the internet for “Mingle in the Dingle Ding Dong” using your preferred internet search method.

My preferred internet search method is as follows:
Open Browser, go to Google (if not home page). Starting with my left hand, I type “mingle”, then switch to right hand, I type “ dingle” and then free style the rest. I then sometimes like to close the browser and repeat the entire process several times.

Tickets are priced at £25 for a child, £40 for an adult and £70 for a twin with sea view.

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