Friday 1 July 2011

Justin Bieber on a hen party


As sure a bunch of nuns will have revolting habits, you can guarantee that the hold up in your lunchtime queue will be an old lady who insists on paying with the exact change. We’re not being ageist, just stating an observed fact.

“No lovey” she’ll explain “I’ve got one in here somewhere” as she rummages around her suitcase of a handbag looking for a stray penny that may have been dislodge from it chamber. Time rolls by and a further five minutes of your lunchtime gets eaten up before she finally decides she hasn’t got a penny and asks if she can pay by cheque. “Now, what did I do with my pen…I’ve got one in here somewhere” … and it all starts again.

In fact, old ladies are the real reason for the demise of the utilisation of cheque payment pleasure. I love nothing more than stroking out my words in an elegant fountain pen manner, my feathered quill dancing on the paper like Justin Bieber on a hen party, but alas my pleasure has been stunted.

However, if you follow that old lady home, loiter outside her house until the evening and then follow her all the way to the local bingo hall, then my friend, then you will see a totally differ lady.
A lady with a love of speed! Then her bingo pen will be dancing like Justin Bieber on a hen party, whilst you will be rummaging around in your handbag looking for that penny. The transformation is amazing…

So the next time you need lunch…go to your bingo hall.

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