Tuesday 5 July 2011

Huddles and Stand-Ups

What is a huddle?

We get asked this all the time at worldwidewig.co.uk.  It's a gathering of people for a management meeting where people are not allowed to sit down.
History teaches us that the first huddle was because the manager did not have a chair so he made everyone stand.
Modern economics advises that chairs were only supplied because they were demanded.
Software gurus say you will be more agile if you can move around while you talk.

So that's the theory.

Wiggy wigster game - "Stranger at the huddle" The following rules apply...

1 point for walking past the huddle.
1 point for waving at the presenter.
2 points for standing by the huddle for a short time.
5 points for attending the whole duration of the huddle.
10 points for asking a question.
5 points for having a question answered.
-5 points for being identified as a stranger.
20 points for wearing the wig if you keep it on for 20 seconds.

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