Thursday 3 May 2007

Mind labeling

Dark Chickens writes...

You may or may not be aware that over the last two weeks I have been experimenting with one of the latest aggression control techniques called mind labeling. Mind labeling is a technique of labeling an individual with the first phrase that comes to mind. The approach is intended to help remove aggression by pre-conditioning the mind to automatically reveal internal beliefs about an individual and therefore relieve any pre-installed aggression.

I must admit that I have started smiling when I see an irritating colleague, not because I like him but simply because every time I see him a little voice pops into my head and automatically says "WAC". I can't tell you what this means, because it is very rude.

I would be the first to admit that two weeks is insufficient time to prove the success of such a system and the potential long term dangers of mouthing or verbally emitting the "mind label tag" could still occur. However, in order to advance science I encourage you all to start your own trial - I'm sure like me you'll find it mentally refreshing.

Try to think of a mind label for me right now.

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