Tuesday 28 June 2011

Quick survey by text message

Typical wigster text messages

Wigster 1: Quick survey... In swimming, is a length there, or there and back when standing in the shallow end?

Wigster 2 : Depends which direction you start.

W1: North

W2: Which way is the water flowing?

W1: Uphill

W2: You should always swim downhill, unless you are a salmon.  I assume you are not, I think I would have noticed.

W1: No, if I swim uphill first then it'll be faster when I swim downhill.

W2: Uphill would be going with the flow so it is the same in this case.

W1: But I'm swimming backward

W2: Are you looking at the sky?

W1: I'm on my belly but swimming backwards... using the reverse front crawl. I'm testing a new nose clip.

W2: I'm quite impressed at your ability to text at the same time

W1: Anything is possible if you put your mind to it.

W2: True.  So true.

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