Wednesday 22 June 2011


Dark Chickens has been infected

Yes, it's true. Last year I was a normal guy who went about his business in a normal manner, but since spending time with Mr Lambpie I have developed the urge to click my fingers, tap my pocket and slap my clench fist whilst walking.

Confused and concerned by my latest behaviour I sought to find the source of the problem and yesterday whilst walking back from lunch there it was. Mr Lambpie was clicking, tapping and slapping as he merrily walked along.

I urge you not to spend too much time with this man otherwise you may also catch this infectious habit. I fear that it may already be too late for JDubya who's started to exhibit the early signs. (Chaotic clicking and slapping, he has no sense of rhythm)

As I'm now in the advanced stages I am hoping that a three week quarantine period will rid me of this embarrassment and I will be free to walk gracefully once again.

You have been warned.


The Grey Cardigan has confirmed that he is not infected.  This outbreak is not a direct result of the very recent Sir Lady HF day.

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