Thursday 23 June 2011

More Dreams

Norbert-D shares his dream

Last night I had a dream that Dark had a twin brother called Alfred Chickens. Dark and Alfred shared Dark's job, but nobody at work realised. Except me of course who suspected al along that Dark was in fact two people. Alfred was slightly taller and had a deeper voice. He was also moodier than Dark.

Things came to an end when Dark had a party and I spotted them both together fighting over vol-au-vents. Could there be any truth in this? Have you noticed Dark is a bit taller and huskier some days and in a bad mood sometimes?


Goat replied:

I haven't noticed a taller, moodier, deeper voiced version of Dark, but some days he appears shorter, happier and softer voiced!

Mmmmm, vol-au-vents!

The analysis:


I've used my powers of analysis and have determine the true meaning of your night vision... the dream itself is quite simple and recognises a split in your own self. It appears that you have a "Character split" between two people, a "Dark" character and an "Alfred" character. How these two characters should be interpreted is mainly down to your subcous-cous, but I've offered an interpretation:

Dark: also known as dark chickens - daring, open and free - chicken also indicates a farmyard bird.

Alfred: The Great? Great means taking the right path, the way to behave. The moody side associated with this character may represent the fact that you see this side of yourself as the one that's slightly removed or boring. Unwilling to get involved. 

The fact that the "Character split" was discovered at a party is also interesting... as parties can represent a willingness / unwillingness to attend... and the fight would imply that this is more of the unwillingness to attend or take part - with the need to protect or hide something.

Also the fact that it was Dark's party and the appearance of a vol-au-vent would certainly lend itself to some sort of depravity. If you need proof of this then see Goat's reply, which clearly showed his pleasure at the mention of this word.

Summary - I would say that you would like to get involved in a vol-au-vent party but you're too frightened to venture into the farmyard.

Hope this is of some help.


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