Friday 17 June 2011

Introducing the FFFC

The squalid truth about the FFFC

The FFFC is the five foot four club and is open to any wigster who has a height of five feet and four inches.

Contrary to popular belief, there is no metric equivalent.  The FFFC are all measured in imperial units.

The FFFC welcomes new members and even offers those who aspire to be five foot four an associate membership.  However, when we interviewed their chairman, we discovered a darker story of animosity towards the rival five foot five club who claim to have the same name.

As a response to their competitors, the FFFC have banned anyone who is a member of the FFFC from being a member of the organisation.  Inevitably, the FFFC have retaliated by preventing members of the FFFC from joining them too.

An independent observer said "it's hard to tell the difference between the clubs as there is only an inch or two in it".

The four foot five club which was recently acquired by the four foot four club declined to comment.

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