Wednesday 22 June 2011

The Horivert formula

A wigsters guide to vertical and horizontal names

How to calculate the verticalness and horizontalness of your name

1) Use the following chart and calculate the sum for the letters in your name.

 Letter  Verticalness Scale   Horizontalness Scale 
a 3060
c 30 60
e 3060
f 6030
g 4050
h 8010
i 9010
j 8020
k 500
l 955
m 750
n 700
o 5050
p 7010
q 7010
r 755
s 070
t 6020
u 700
v 00
w 00
x 00
y 00
z 060

2) Divide the sum from 1 by the number of letters in your name.

The good news it that there is no international way of measuring the horizontalness/verticalness (horivert) of a shape. Googling it only told me how to keep a double bass upright. I suggest we come up with a formula, submit it to some mathematical body and then sit back and bask with our new titles of Professor. This formula needs to work for some random shape and could be as simple as the ratio between its height and width.

Professor D Chickens

The Grey Cardigan has produced a spreadsheet which will do the calculations for you.  Unfortunately it doesn't work.

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