Thursday 29 March 2007

Favourite Book

It's a little known fact that The Grey Cardigan has a favourite book. It's even got the word 'Book' in the title.

"I consider myself to be an extreme hobbyist, not only do I like to collect books but I like to collect multiple copies of the same book. This pushes me to a whole new level of hobbying in my opinion, distinguishing my hobby from the average run of the mill hobby into the eschlons of hobbying legend. Of course none of this will hold any water without photographic evidence so I enclose a picture of a small sample from my collection. I hope you enjoy this picture as much as I have." - The Grey Cardigan

1 comment:

telboy007 said...

Ahh, my glorious book collection. surely no-one has a more impressive book collection! Except maybe every single library in this country.

aka TGC.