Thursday 5 April 2007

TGC Survival Tip 1

The Grey Cardigan - Survival Tip Number 1
If you are lost in the woods during the day without any matches or a lighter, make sure you have a coke can and a chocolate bar. Fear not, you can still start a fire.

Use the chocolate bit of the bar (the purer the choccy the better) and smear it on the bottom of the can.

Use the wrapper or whatever comes to hand to shine the bottom of the can.

The chocolate works like a fine abrasive to polish the bottom of the can.

This should take 1/2 to 1 hour. Don't eat the chocolate afterwards, it will have become toxic by picking up bits of aluminium.

Now use the can to reflect the suns rays onto your kindling.

Hey presto, man make fire! However if it's cloudy, you're stuffed. Unlucky.

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